Orange County Martial Arts

Adult Training

We believe that Aikido is for everyone - men and woman of all ages, body types, and physical conditions. At Orange County Aikido we offer adult classes most days of the week for all levels of students from the beginner to black belt.
The movements of Aikido are the movements of the natural world. They convey beauty, fluidity, and efficiency. The teachings of Aikido are compassion, and respect for self and others. In our adult Aikido instruction we are mindful of the attacker, we blend with his energy and learn to redirect and diffuse it while keeping ourselves safe. Aikido is not only a great way to get fit, but also a path to self-discovery and growth. While it takes time and practice to build skill and the movements and techniques of Aikido, the benefits of this gentle yet powerful art are pervasive and long-lasting.
Our adult programs are designed to provide some exercise along with training in Aikido techniques. A beginner
will be learning new movements and may feel some rarely used muscles. It is therefore recommended that they attend more than once a week. This has the advantage of higher skill retention and a more enjoyable experience. Most students attend two or three classes a week.
Why train with Orange County Aikido?
Our dojo is very traditional and we are associated with the Aikido of Hawaii International and the world headquarters of Aikido in Japan. We practice the Aikikai style, which is the original style of Moriehi Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido.
Our class schedule is sure to fit everyone's busy schedule. We have lunch, evening and weekend classes. There is no limit to the number of days or hours you can practice each month, some people even practice twice a day.
College Students
We believe that college students are at a unique point in their lives. Many of them are on their own for the first time in their lives and can truly benefit from learning a life-long skill that emphasizes balance and self control. We have a special college student rate that makes learning Aikido at Orange County Aikikai especially affordable. Click below for details and to sign up.
Typical Class
In our adult classes we start with some warmup exercises meant to raise the heart rate a little. We then go into stretching and fundamental movements or Aiki Taiso. From there we usually spend time working on a particular technique or practicing how a single entrance can lead to multiple techniques. Some classes focus on weapons as they teach balance and Ki extension.